Caching templates

Some templates might be large, complicated or access external data sources, but don't change that often. In those cases caching is a good technique to safe the cost of frequent, needless template constructions. Since dynamic templates are constructed by normal JavaScript functions Memoization is a valid and straight-forward approach to implement caching. The cache helper improves on that and caches an optimized/simplified version of the original return value in memory. This further improves the performance and memory efficiency.

cache doesn't take changing parameters into account. Provide a cache key via the cache key option to handle this properly.

import { html, renderToString, cache } from '@nanoweb/template';

let counter = 0;
const template = () => html`Counter: ${++counter}`;

const cachedTemplate = cache(template);

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Counter: 1";

// time goes by...

renderToString(template()) // Uncached
.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Counter: 2";

renderToString(cachedTemplate()) // Cached
.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Counter: 1";


Node Cache

cache uses node-cache under the hood and passes options through.

import { html, renderToString, cache } from '@nanoweb/template';

let counter = 0;
const template = () => html`Counter: ${++counter}`;

const cachedTemplate = cache(template, { stdTTL: 10 });

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Counter: 1";

// Wait 5 seconds ...

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Counter: 1";

// Wait another 5 seconds ...

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Counter: 2";

Cache key

cache doesn't take changing parameters into account, but you can provide a cache key function to solve this.

import { html, renderToString, cache } from '@nanoweb/template';

let counter = 0;
const template = (input) => html`Input: ${input}, Counter: ${++counter}`;

const cacheKey = (input) => String(input);
const cachedTemplate = cache(template, { cackeKey });

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Input: A, Counter: 1";

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Input: B, Counter: 2";

.then(text => console.log(text)); // => "Input: A, Counter: 1";