Getting Started


The nanoweb utilities are distributed via separate autonomous npm packages: @nanoweb/template and @nanoweb/links.

npm install @nanoweb/template @nanoweb/links

Online editors

You can try out nanoweb without installing anything using an online editor. Below is a link to a complete express showcase:

Express Showcase on CodeSandbox

Some editors (e.g. CodeSandbox) require a /*html*/ comment before the template literal for proper syntax highlighting. You can improve the experience with the plugins outlined under Tools.

The example is also available on GitHub.


@nanoweb/template and @nanoweb/links run in different environments and therefore support different import options.


Node.js supports importing via ECMAScript modules:

import { html, renderToString } from '@nanoweb/template';

... or CommonJS:

const { html, renderToString } = require('@nanoweb/template');

Choosing a format is a matter of personal preference.

Using @nanoweb/links can be as simple as adding a script tag to a page:

<script src=""></script>

This will include the latest standalone version of @nanoweb/links. Yet it is recommended to import and bundle it with a module bundler (e.g. Webpack, Rollup or Parcel).

import links from '@nanoweb/links';

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
links({ defaultLoadingAnimation: true });

This is the only way to provide @nanoweb/links with options.

Echo Example

An example is worth a thousand words:

$ mkdir echo-demo
$ cd echo-demo
$ npm init # follow the instructions
$ npm install --save @nanoweb/template @nanoweb/links express

Save this under index.js:

const express = require("express");
const { renderToStream, html } = require("@nanoweb/template");

const Page = (name) => html`
<title>Echo Example</title>
<body style="text-align: center">
<h1>Echo Example</h1>
<form method="GET" action="/" autocomplete="off">
<input type="text" name="name" autofocus />
? html`<b>Hello ${name}!</b>`
: "Enter your name above and press enter!"}

<script src="/static/links.standalone.min.js"></script>

.use("/static/", express.static("./node_modules/@nanoweb/links/dist/"))
.get("/", (req, res) => renderToStream(Page(

Run it with:

$ node index.js

You can access it on http://localhost:3000/.

To learn more about templates, see Writing Templates.